Work Experience

In the past few months, I have completed some of my Internships in Aerospace and Automotive Industry to gain some practical experience and knowledge. Internships has helped me to network and work with like minded people and tecahed me one important aspect of TEAM work i.e. ‘Together Everyone Achieves More’.

Internship 1

Company: Tod’ Aers.

Company Type: Aerospace Industry
Date: Nov 2020-July 2021

Project: Hyper-Velocity Impact Based Orbital debris removal Using Multi-Layerd Sheild.

Internship Work description

This was a nine month long internship where we a team of 8 students from different parts of India worked on a project named “Hyper Velocity Impact Based Orbital debries Removal Using Multi-Layerd Sheild” under the guidance of Mr. Kush Kumar Sharma. The goal of the project was to develop a system that can capture space debris and deorbit them. In this, we successfully developed a structural architecture that can capture and deorbit space debris. Debris Hyper Velocities Calculations were done by using Newtonian formulas wherein we found the entire architecture can withstand a total impact load of around 1000Mpa. Secondarily, according to calculations, we found a Tri- Layered Polymer Foam Layer can have a High Impact Resistance of around 2.73 kJ/m2, which has an acceptable impact tolerance capacity for our designed methodology. And in the end, using a metallic layer of Al 2219-T87 for protection of the satellite in case the debris is bigger enough can take temperatures upto 250 deg Celsius and has a high yield strength of 476 MPa which is acceptable. In this, we have mostly used mathematical models of Newtonian formulas and Momentum transfer to prove our system’s viability and architecture.


The nine-month internship has helped me gain knowledge on space debris, its types, the current methodology proposed to mitigate/ remove space debris, study different types of self-healing polymers and develop mathematical models. Also, the research work was selected for ASCEND International Conference 2021, Los Angles. And most importantly this internship has helped me a lot in networking and understanding teamwork.

Internship 2

Company: Society for Space Education Research & Development (SSERD)

Company Type: Aerospace Industry
Date: Sept. 2020-Oct 2020

Project: Conceptual Design of Pressurized Mars Crew Exploration Vehicle

Internship Work description

This was a month long internship where we a team of 12 students (team Aers) from different parts of India worked on a project named “Conceptual Design of Pressurized Mars Crew Exploration Vehicle” under the guidance of Mr. Pavan Kumar AV . Mars once seemed far away, but as each year passes one begins to hear about it more often. The first step on Mars is the next big awaited news. Team Ares at SSERD believes in this pace of progress and has come up with a conceptual design for a Mars Crew Exploration Vehicle (MCEV). This vehicle will carry 4 astronauts on a journey to various exploration sites within a radius of 10 km from the base settlement in Mars. Beginning with the selection of landing site on Mars, followed with Wheel Design and Suspension System development. The Environment Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) to mimic Earth like conditions for the crew, aided with proper lighting (SSLA) to maintain Human body metabolism. Apart from this, the cabinet design with material has been chosen considering the harsh climate Mars has in store for us. The vehicle also has a suite of instruments which will aid the exploration tasks and the mission would go astray without the decided communication via satellites in the Areostationary orbit.
In this project my role was to:

1) Design of pressurized crew cabinate.
2) Work on Internal life support system.
3) Design oxygen generation and air revitalization system.
4) Design Internal HVAC system with cabinet pressurization system.


The one-month internship has helped me gain knowledge by studying different types of ISS modules, understand design process of pressure vessel, understand airplane air revitalization and pressurization system with closed structure HVAC design. With this we team Aers continued our project after internship and  the research work was selected for International Conference Paper presentation of Space Habitat Event 2021 organised by Mars Society, Brazil and Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN. And most importantly this internship has helped me a lot in networking and understanding teamwork which helped us to work further more on different projects.

Internship 3

Company: Brahmastra Aerospace System

Company Type: Aerospace Industry
Date: June 2021-July 2021

Project: Theoretical Design of Distributed Cube Satellite for Weather Monitering

Internship Work description

This was a month long internship where we a team of4 students (team Papa) from different parts of India worked on a project named “Theoretical Design of Distributed Cube Satellite for Wheather Monitering” under the guidance of Mr. Sunash P Kuppusamy. Weather conditions are the state of the atmosphere at a specific time and location with respect to temperature, moisture, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, etc. It is therefore important to know the atmospheric condition for different applications. The interest is to design an autonomous small cube satellite, which can provide information about weather from anywhere without using the Network. Here a hardware model has been conceptualized and designed. It is possible to provide an instant weather report, which can be used to compare the data of a place with some different altitudes as well as for different time instants. In meteorology, the primary objective is to know exact weather conditions with less human effort, reliable and effective data. Because weather conditions vary from one location to another and depending on altitude, it is difficult to obtain specific weather conditions for a given location. With the advancement of technology, especially embedded systems & data acquisition systems, the problem of large setup areas and cost has been reduced significantly. CubeSat can be installed in the atmosphere or space, providing accurate weather reports. In this project my role was to:

1) Work on CubeSat attitude control subsystem.
2) Design the 1U CubeSat frame, electronics and communication system.
3) Perform structural/ thermal, modal, frequency analysis of 1U cubeSat body.



The one-month internship has helped me gain knowledge by studying different types of cubesats, understand design process of CubeSat frame for zero gravity condition in LEO and work on structure analysis with development of mathematical model for boundry conditions of structural simulations. This internship has helped me gain interest in cubesats which lead to continue my research work with addition of novel cubesat propulsion system as my final year bachelor’s project.

Internship 4

Company: NPHSAT System Pvt. Ltd.

Company Type: Aerospace Industry
Date: May 2021

Project: Design of Microchip Patch Antenna for CubeSat Communication Subsystem.

Internship Work description

This was a month long training internship where I worked on a project named “Dsin og Ptach Antenna for CubeSat Communication Subsystem” under the guidance of Mrs. Priyanka Kancharala. In this training internship we where thought about types of antenna, their working and design of patch antenna for wireless communication using CST Studion software. At end of internship we all worked on dsign of 5GHz patch antenna for 1U CubeSat communication subsystem.


A month internship has helped me gain knowledge by studying different types of antennas, their working and understand design and manufacturing process. The internship was specially helpful for my final year bachelors project for design of microchip patch antenna for 3U CubeSat for relaying data of propulsion subsystem.  

Internship 5

Company: Ingine Ensight Research Agency Pvt. Ltd 

Company Type: Automotive Industry
Date: May 2018-July 2018

Job role: Trainee Automobile Intern

Internship Work description

This was a two month long training internship where I studied various types of engines in greator depth. Understood the transmission system, suspension system, braking system, Ignition system, exhaust system and moped electronics. The internship also include disassembly and assembly of moped and bike engines and understand each component working in detail especially the gearbox. The internship also explained the maintaince of I.C engines with various B.S. norms. 



A two month internship has helped me gain knowledge by studying different types of engines, their working, component material properties with design and manufacturing process. The internship has helped me explore an automotive engine in greator detail by dismantelling and explore each components.